Tag Archives: the tonight show

Holiday Pranks With Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel is known for his prankster ways as he does many on this show, Jimmy Kimmel Live. This year he revealed that he is not only good friends with Emily Blunt and John Krasinski but they are in fact neighbors, who swap house keys. Never a good idea.

Kimmel allows viewers an inside look at the holiday pranks the two couples have played on each other over the past few years, ranging from lit signs, zombies, giant inflatable reindeer and wrapping an entire house with wrapping paper.

Check out the clip below for a good laugh and start picking friends to pull some holiday pranks on. You’ll be inspired after the clip.

Allison Williams Teaches Jimmy Fallon to Fly

“Think happy thoughts, Jimmy!” Special guest Allison Williams visited the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and taught him to fly!

William’s who is starring in NBC’s ‘Peter Pan Live’ must do a number of scenes in the air with harnesses; which is both entertaining and painful. Jimmy, who made the mistake of being curious, is hoisted into the air after getting all his “bits” in order, but only after he thought of wonderful, lovely thoughts. Happy thoughts are the key to flying. That and a bit of fairy dust… as well as a harness.

Check out Jimmy Fallon as Peter Pan!

Daniel Radcliffe Raps on ‘The Tonight Show’

Just in case you were wondering just how impressive Daniel Radcliffe actually is, in which is absurd on your part honestly… hello he’s Harry Potter! Radcliffe took the stage of The Tonight Showwith Jimmy Fallon and rapped to Alphabet Aerobics, Blackalicous. Fallon began the interview by promoting Radcliffe’s love for music, particularly rap.

“I think I was the first kid in my class to learn the words to ‘The Real Slim Shady,’” stated Radcliffe.

From Harry potter, to the stage of Equis and now to his newest motion picture, Horns. Based off the sci-fi thriller by Joe Hill, Radcliffe plays Ig Perrish, a suspect of rape and murder of his ex-girlfriend. After a night of drinking, he wakes up to newly grown horns on his head that causes people to admit sins and act upon them.

Horns hits theatre’s this Friday!

Breakdancing with Brad Pitt and Jimmy Fallon

Have you ever wondered what happened down in the basement of 30 Rock? ‘Fury,’ star, Brad Pitt and ‘The Tonight Show,’ host Jimmy Fallon, duked it out against one another. Though no fists were raised, well, not in combat at least.

Check out this exciting clip, via E! News where Pitt challenges Fallon to a breakdancing face off- and it’s not just their stunt doubles doing the hard work.

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